Useful links

This is the site's link collection. If you have links to suggest, contact us by e-mail.

Community sites

Mushroom tracker - view and share the location of fungi
Mushroom observer - community site for identifying fungi

Mycology resources
First nature - fungi
Mushrooms Up! - Edible and Poisonous Species of Coastal BC and the Pacific Northwest
Bill Russell's mushrooms
MykoWeb - the website for FUNGI Magazine - Mushroom travels to Tibet, South America & Beyond
Collection of Mycology Resources

Good fungi related blogs

Fungi of Peru
Geoff's Fungi & Foraging
Learn Your Land

Good fungi related Youtube channels

Old Man of the Woods
Learn Your Land

Mycological clubs and societies

Mycological Society of America
North American Mycological Association
Minnesota Mycological Society

Non-English sites

Svampguiden - Swedish site

Mushroom cultivation resources - Mushroom Cultivation with Hydrogen Peroxide

Nature sites

The Nature Conservancy

Disclaimer: The links provided on our website's link collection page are provided for informational purposes only. We do not endorse or take responsibility for the content, accuracy, or safety of any third-party website linked to from our site.